The auto-enrolment solution for Northern Ireland

Employing seasonal or temporary staff?

Posted in General News and Newsletters

TPR has online guidance specifically designed to help you work out what you need to do if you employ seasonal workers. This includes staff who work for a few days, a few weeks or several months.
Your assessment of who to put into a pension scheme may take more time and effort, as you will need to take into account:

  • that they may only work for short periods of time
  • that they may join and leave employment in the middle of pay periods
  • that their earnings and hours vary

You must assess staff to work out who to put into a scheme based on their ages and how much they earn.  Any staff that are aged between 22 to State Pension Age and earn over £192 a week, or £833 a month, must be put into a pension scheme which you must pay into.
Having the right payroll software can really help if you have seasonal or temporary staff, or staff with fluctuating hours and earnings. Most payroll software that is set up for automatic enrolment will assess staff at each pay cycle, calculate contributions where necessary, and some also have a postponement function built into them.
If you know that staff will be working for less than three months, you can choose to use postponement.  Within six weeks from the date of postponement, you must write to staff individually to tell them what you are doing and how automatic enrolment applies to them.